It's been 2 weeks since we welcomed in the new year. How has the transition been? Mine was more focused on the rich time I got to spend in the US with friends and family, and saying goodbye to people I love have affected me more than living fully into the new year. On top of that, my body crashed after the busy travel schedule, so it's been a bit slow these days, tending to my self and letting her rest.
During my US trip, I got to join an on-line workshop which was about reflecting on this past year and setting intentions for the new year. One big take away from that time was the difference between goals and intentions. In summary
Goals are: future oriented, outward focus, accomplished by completing
Intentions are: present oriented, inward focus, the journey is what's important
What does this mean? For example, my goals for this year is to have more people join the yoga classes, make music for yoga, and make sure to take time for self-care and playful whimsical moments. But the intentions behind these goals are to live out my yoga where the heart and body become one. Living out that may (and hopefully lead) to a more vibrant yoga class for more people. I also want to honor who I am as a person and the creative voice within me. Living out this will lead to good self-care and making music.
So. What is your intention for this new year? It might be hard to answer right away, so why don't you start with one thing that you would like to do? And when you have one thing on your mind, start asking: how does this thing impact me on the inside? Why do I want to receive that impact? And is that something I can start living out right now, just as I am? Asking these questions will help you discover that deep seed of intention that will impact your new year ahead. We're only 2 weeks in. How do you want to shape this year?